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Summertime in France and Tuscany


I work hard, so I relax just as well. We live in a fast moving society with modern ways to communicate that do not slow down the pace. It generates fatigue and stress, two enemies that contaminate our minds. In the meantime, we are creatures of habit easily dragged into our daily routine. We eat, we work, we sleep. In some cases, we wake up in the middle of the night, sweating, haunted by to-do’s screaming at us… Luckily, there is a magical reset button to power off or to recharge the batteries, called VACATION.
In addition to the unexpected financial benefits described in the Forbes article below, vacation offers other valuable features, such as a precious buffer between our sanity and our internal demons. Breaks pull you out of the daily life where sometimes you are over run by an army of details blurring the big picture. While it can be challenging to have a clear vision of our goals, especially with work, vacation gives us the space to clean up our brains and to think freely. From this sudden distance, we look at our world with a different and positive perspective. We remember what life is about, and why we work. We recognize our successes, identify challenges and set our future objectives with a fresh motivation and ambition. We leave as a 50% running rate machine and come back with a new shinny engine.


Also read:
From Americans don’t take vacation even though its one of the best benefits around


  • karisa

    Enjoy indulging in the beautiful and creatively rejuvenating digital sabbatical!

  • Catherine

    Super bien exprimé Joël!! …Je vous souhaite, éventuellement, une bonne ré-entrée dans le monde de tous les jours, rechargé a fond!
    Je viens un peu de faire la même chose i.e. faire le point au bord de la mer pendant 10 mois et….je retourne a Santa Fe le mois prochain…pour de bon cette fois!!..Guillaume lui va jeter l’ancre a Fresno…Je le laisse vous raconter le pourquoi et le comment ! C’est en tous cas super sympa!
    If and when “the spirit moves you” …je me feraiz un plaisir de vous accueillir avec votre épouse et/ou vos enfants…Profitez bien de la belle France…j’aime la visiter mais je serais incapable d’y finir mes jours….Trop petit…trop de monde…trop de français !!! HA! Bien amicalement. Catherine AKA la maman de Guillaume 🙂

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